Kenpo Karate Blue Belt
Years ago when I was a purple belt I met a brown belt who knew I just got into college, I was a freshman, I was 18 years old. He asked me if I could get some Kenpo info from the Internet, he gave me a box of floppy disks to save whatever I could find on them, in exchange he offered to help me with my blue belt requirements. That was just the beginning of a new chapter.
- Close kneel
- Concave
- Horizontal downward forearm
- Vertical inside forearm
- Vertical inside forearm
- Upward
- Horizontal inward palm heel
- Horizontal outward palm heel
- Invert vertical roundhouse
- Looping overhead
- Hook
Finger Techniques
- Side thrust
- Back thrust
- Back claw
- Inside vertical forearm
- Outward palm heel
- Overhead palm heel
- Rear (stiff arm lift) palm
- Snapping back
- Side chicken
- Front chicken
Foot Maneuvers
- Rear crossover
- Hop forward and reverse
Self Defense Techniques
- Begging Hands. Front two hand grab to the wrists.
- Thrusting Wedge. Front two hand high push.
- Flashing Wings. Front right step through punch.
- Hugging Pendulum. Right front side kick.
- Repeated Devastation. Full Nelson.
- Entangled Wing. Front arm lock.
- Defying the Storm. Front right step through roundhouse club.
- Raking Mace. Front two hand lapel grab- pulling in.
- Snaking Talon. Front two hands push.
- Shield and Mace. right front step-through punch.
- Retreating Pendulum. Front right thrusting heel kick.
- Tripping Arrow. Front bear hug- arms free.
- Fallen Cross. Rear two hand choke.
- Returning Storm. Front inward roundhouse and backhand club.
- Crossed Twins. Rear two hand grab to the wrist.
- Twist of Fate. Front two-hand push.
- Flashing Mace. right straight front punch.
- Gift of Destiny. Handshake.
- Wings of Silk. Rear two arm lock.
- Gripping Talon. Left front direct right wrists grab.
- Gathering Clouds. Right straight front punch.
- Destructive Twins. Front two hand choke, pulling in.
- Broken Ram. Front tackle.
- Circling the horizon. Right front step through right punch.
Forms: Long Form 2
- Striking set #1
- Finger set #1
Kenpo Karate Techniques
- Kenpo Karate Self Defense Techniques
- Kenpo Karate Stances
- Kenpo Karate Strikes
- Kenpo Karate Blocks
- Kenpo Karate Punches
- Kenpo Karate Kicks
- Kenpo Karate Foot Maneuvers
- Kenpo Karate Parries
- Kenpo Karate Finger Techniques
- Kenpo Karate Sets
- Kenpo Karate Forms
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