Kenpo Karate Self Defense Techniques
Yellow Belt Self Defense Techniques
- Delayed Sword. Front left-hand lapel grab.
- Alternating Maces. Two-hand front push.
- Sword of Destruction. Left hooking punch.
- Deflecting Hammer. Right kick.
- Captured Twigs. Rear bear hug, arms pinned.
- Grasp of Death. Left flank headlock.
- Checking the storm. Right overhead club.
- Mace of Aggression. Two-hand lapel grab.
- Attacking Mace. Right step-through punch.
- Sword and Hammer. A right flank shoulder grab.
Orange Belt Self Defense Techniques
- Clutching Feathers. Front left-hand hair grab.
- Triggered Salute. Front right-hand direct push.
- Dance of Death. (Front straight right straight punch.
- Gift of destruction. Handshake.
- Locking Horns. Front Headlock.
- Lone Kimono. Front left-hand lapel grab.
- Glancing Salute. Front roundhouse right punch.
- Five Swords. Front roundhouse right punch.
- Scraping Hoof. Full Nelson.
- Grip of Death. Left flank right headlock.
- Crossing Talon. Front right cross wrist grab.
- Shielding Hammer. Front hooking left punch.
- Striking Serpent’s Head. Front bear hug- arms free.
- Thrusting Salute. Front straight right snap kick.
- Locked Wing. Right rear hammerlock.
- Obscure wing. Right flank, left-hand shoulder grab.
- Reversing Mace. Front straight left punch.
- Buckling Branch. Front straight left kick.
- Thrusting Prongs. Front bear hug- arms pinned.
- Twisted Twig. Front wrist lock.
- Obscure Sword. Right flank, left-hand shoulder grab.
- Repeating Mace. Front left-hand push.
- Raining Claw. Front uppercut right punch.
- Crashing Wings. Rear bear hug- arms free.
Purple Belt Self Defense Techniques
- Twirling Wings. Left rear stiff arm shoulder grab.
- Snapping Twig. Front left-hand chest push.
- Leaping Crane. Right front step through punch.
- Swinging Pendulum. Front right roundhouse kick.
- Crushing Hammer. Rear bear hug- arms pinned.
- Captured Leaves. Right flank finger lock.
- Evading the Storm. Right front overhead club.
- Charging Ram. Front tackle.
- Parting Wings. Front two hand push.
- Thundering Hammers. Front step through right punch.
- Squeezing the Peach. Rear bear hug- arms pinned.
- Circling Wing. Rear two hand choke- arms bent.
- Calming the Storm. Front right step through roundhouse club.
- Darting Mace. Front two hand wrist grab.
- Hooking Wings. Front two hand low push.
- Shield and Sword. Left front straight through punch.
- Gift in Return. Handshake.
- Bow of Compulsion. Front wrist lock against opponent’s chest.
- Obstructing the storm. Right overhead club.
- Twin kimono. Front two-hand lapel grab- push out.
- Sleeper. Front right step though straight punch.
- Spiraling Twig. Rear bear hug, arms free.
- Cross of destruction. Rear two hand choke.
- Flight to Freedom. Rear hammerlock.
Blue Belt Self Defense Techniques
- Begging Hands. Front two hand grab to the wrists.
- Thrusting Wedge. Front two hand high push.
- Flashing Wings. Front right step through punch.
- Hugging Pendulum. Right front side kick.
- Repeated Devastation. Full Nelson.
- Entangled Wing. Front arm lock.
- Defying the Storm. Front right step though roundhouse club.
- Raking Mace. Front two hand lapel grab- pulling in.
- Snaking Talon. Front two hands push.
- Shield and Mace. right front step through punch.
- Retreating Pendulum. Front right thrusting heel kick.
- Tripping Arrow. Front bear hug- arms free.
- Fallen Cross. Rear two hand choke.
- Returning Storm. Front inward roundhouse and backhand club.
- Crossed Twins. Rear two hand grab to the wrist.
- Twist of Fate. Front two hand push.
- Flashing Mace. right straight front punch.
- Gift of Destiny. Handshake.
- Wings of Silk. Rear two arm lock.
- Gripping Talon. Left front direct right wrists grab.
- Gathering Clouds. Right straight front punch.
- Destructive Twins. Front two hand choke, pulling in.
- Broken Ram. Front tackle.
- Circling the horizon. Right front step through right punch.
Green Belt Self Defense Techniques
- Obscure Claws. A flank left-hand shoulder grab.
- Encounter with Danger. Front two hand push.
- Circling Destruction. Front step through left punch.
- Detour from Doom. Front right roundhouse kick.
- Squatting Sacrifice. Rear bear hug- arms free.
- Escape from Death. Right rear arm choke.
- Brushing the Storm. Flank right overhead club.
- Menacing Twirl. Left-hand rear belt grab.
- Leap from Danger. Rear two hand push.
- Circles of Protection. Front step through overhead right punch.
- Circle of Doom. Front Right Kick.
- Broken Gift. Handshake.
- Heavenly Ascent. Front two-handed choke, arms straight.
- Capturing the Storm. Front right overhead club.
- Conquering Shield. Front left stiff arm lapel grab.
- Taming the Mace. Front step through right punch.
- Twirling Sacrifice. Full Nelson.
- Cross of Death. Front two hand cross choke.
- Securing the storm. Front right roundhouse club.
- Intercepting the ram. Front tackle.
- Kneel of Compulsion. Flank step through right punch.
- Clipping the storm. Front right thrusting club.
- Glancing Wing. Front left uppercut punch.
- The Back Breaker. Flank step through right punch.
Third Degree Brown Belt Self Defense Techniques
- Glancing Spear. Front right direct wrist grab.
- Thrust into Darkness. Rear right step through punch.
- Circling Fans. Front right and left front straight punch combination.
- Rotating Destruction. Front right snap and left spinning back kick.
- Falcons of Force. Flank left and right shoulder grab by two men.
- The Bear and The Ram. Front right punch and rear bear hug, arms free.
- Raining Lance. Front right step through overhead knife.
- Desperate Falcons. Front two hand grab to both wrists.
- Leap of Death. Front right step through punch.
- Protecting Fans. Front right and left punch combination with opponents left leg forward.
- Deceptive Panther. Combination right front snap low kick and right roundhouse high kick.
- Courting the Tiger. Flank left and right arm grab by two opponents
- Gathering the Snakes. Front left punch and rear right punch by two men.
- Glancing Lance. A front right knife thrust while your arms are down.
- Dominating Circles. Front right shoulder grab by opponent’s right hand.
- Destructive Fans. Left flank right punch with opponent’s right leg forward.
- Unfurling Crane. Front right and left punch combination with opponent’s right leg forward.
- Grasping Eagles. Front right lapel grab and rear right arms grab by two men.
- Parting of the Snakes. Front right punch and rear attempt by two men.
- Thrusting Lance. A front right knife thrust while your arms are down.
- Blinding Sacrifice. Front two hand grab or choke.
- Snakes of wisdom. Flank left and right shoulder grabs by two men.
- Entwining Lance. Front right knife thrust.
- Falling Falcon. Front right direct lapel grab.
Second Degree Brown Orange Belt Self Defense Techniques
- FATAL CROSS – Front Two-Hand Attempted Grab or Push
- TWIRLING HAMMERS – Front Left Step Through Punch
- DEFENSIVE CROSS – front Right Snap Kick
- DANCE OF DARKNESS – Front Right Kick Followed By a Right Punch
- MARRIAGE OF THE RAMS – Right and Left Shoulder Grabs (Close) By Two Men
- THE RAM AND THE EAGLE – Front Right Punch and Left Collar Grab By Two Men
- ESCAPE FROM THE STORM – Right Flank Right Overhead Club
- CIRCLING WINDMILLS – Front Two-Hand Push Followed By a Right Punch
- DESTRUCTIVE KNEEL – Front Right Step Through Punch
- BOWING TO BUDDHA – Front Right Roundhouse Kick (While Kneeling On The Ground)
- REVERSING CIRCLES – Front Left Roundhouse Kick Followed By a Left Punch
- REPRIMANDING THE BEARS – Front Right Punch and Rear Bear-Hug By Two Men — Arms, Free
- CIRCLING THE STORM – Front Right Club Thrust (Poke)
- UNFOLDING THE DARK – Left Step-Through Punch From The Right Rear Flank
- UNWINDING PENDULUM – Front Right Kick Followed By A Right Punch
- PIERCING LANCE – Front Right Knife Thrust While Your Arms Are Up
- ESCAPE FROM DARKNESS – Right Punch From The Right Side
- CAPTURING THE ROD* – Front Right Pistol Holdup (Against Your Chest)
- PRANCE OF THE TIGER – Right Flank Step Trough Uppercut Punch
- BROKEN ROD – Rear Right Hand Pistol
- ENTWINING MACES – Front Right and Left Punch With Opponent’s Left Leg Forward
- DEFYING THE ROD – Front Right Pistol Holdup
- FATAL DEVIATION – Front Right and Left Punch With Opponent’s Left Leg Forward
- TWISTED ROD – Front Right Pistol Holdup
First Degree Brown Orange Belt Self Defense Techniques
- Clutching Feathers. Front left-hand hair grab.
- Triggered Salute. Front right-hand direct push.
- Dance of Death. Front straight right straight punch.
- Gift of Destruction. Handshake.
- Locking Horns. Front Headlock.
- Lone Kimono. Front left-hand lapel grab.
- Glancing Salute. Front roundhouse right punch.
- Five Swords. Front roundhouse right punch.
- Scraping Hoof. Full Nelson.
- The grip of Death. Left flank right headlock.
- Crossing Talon. Front right cross wrist grab.
- Shielding Hammer. Front hooking left punch.
- Striking Serpent’s Head. Front bear hug- arms free.
- Thrusting Salute. Front straight right snap kick.
- Locked Wing. Right rear hammerlock.
- Obscure wing. Right flank, left-hand shoulder grab.
- Reversing Mace. Front straight left punch.
- Buckling Branch. Front straight left kick.
- Thrusting Prongs. Front bear hug- arms pinned.
- Twisted Twig. Front wrist lock.
- Obscure Sword. Right flank, left-hand shoulder grab.
- Repeating Mace. Front left-hand push.
- Raining Claw. Front uppercut right punch.
- Crashing Wings. Rear bear hug- arms free.
First Degree Black Belt Self Defense Techniques
- Twirling Wings. Rear two-hand stiff-arm shoulder grab.
- Snapping Twig. Front left-hand chest push.
- Leaping Crane. Front right step through punch.
- Swinging Pendulum. Front right roundhouse kick.
- Crushing Hammers. Rear bear hug. Arms pinned.
- Captured leaves. Right flank finger lock.
- Evading the Storm. Front right step through an overhead club.
- Charging Ram. Front tackle.
- Parting Wings. Front two hand push.
- Thundering Hammers. Front right step through punch.
- Squeezing the Peach. Rear bear hug, arms pinned.
- Circling Wing. Rear two hand choke, arms bent.
- Calming the Storm. Front right step through roundhouse club.
- Darting Mace. Front two hand wrist grab.
- Hooking Wings. Front two hand low push.
- Shield and Sword. Front left to step through punch.
- Gift in Return. Front handshake.
- Bow of Compulsion. Front wrist lock against opponent’s chest.
- Obstruction the Storm. Front right step through an overhead club.
- Twin Kimono. Front two hand lapel grab, push out.
- Sleeper. Front right front step through straight punch.
- Spiraling Twig. Rear bear hug, arms free.
- Cross of destruction. Rear two hand choke.
- Flight to Freedom. Rear hammerlock.
Second Degree Black Orange Belt Self Defense Techniques
- Begging Hands. Front two hand grab to wrists.
- Thrusting Wedge. Front right step through punch.
- Flashing Wings. Front right step through punch.
- Hugging Pendulum. Front right thrusting knife-edge kick.
- Repeating Devastation. Full nelson.
- Entangled Wing. Front arm lock.
- Defying the Storm. Front right step through roundhouse club.
- Raking Mace. Front two hand lapel grab, pulling in.
- Snaking Talon. Front two hand push.
- Shield and Mace. Front Right step through punch.
- Retreating Pendulum. Front right thrusting heel kick.
- Tripping Arrow. Rear two hand choke.
- Fallen Cross. Rear two hand choke.
- Returning Storm. Front inward roundhouse and backhand club.
- Crossed Twigs. Rear two hand grabs to wrist.
- Twist of Fate. Front two hand push.
- Flashing Mace. Front right step through punch.
- Gift of Destiny. Front Handshake.
- Wings of Silk. Rear two arm hammerlock.
- Gripping Talon. Front left direct right wrist grab.
- Gathering Clouds. Front right step through punch.
- Destructive Twins. Front two hand choke, pulling in.
- Broken Ram. Front tackle.
- Circling the Horizon. Front right step through punch.
Third Degree Black Orange Belt Self Defense Techniques
- Obscure Claws. Flank left hand shoulder grab.
- Encounter with Danger. Front two hand push.
- Circling Destruction. Front step through left punch.
- Detour from Doom. Front right roundhouse kick.
- Squatting Sacrifice. Rear bear hug- arms free.
- Escape from Death. Right rear arm choke.
- Brushing the Storm. Flank right overhead club.
- Menacing Twirl. Left hand rear belt grab.
- Leap from Danger. Rear two hand push.
- Circles of Protection. Front step through overhead right punch.
- Circle of Doom. Front Right Kick.
- Broken Gift. Handshake.
- Heavenly Ascent. Front two handed choke, arms straight.
- Capturing the Storm. Front right overhead club.
- Conquering Shield. Front left stiff arm lapel grab.
- Taming the Mace. Front step through right punch.
- Twirling Sacrifice. Full Nelson.
- Cross of Death. Front two hand cross choke.
- Securing the storm. Front right roundhouse club.
- Intercepting the ram. Front tackle.
- Kneel of Compulsion. Flank step through right punch.
- Clipping the storm. Front right thrusting club.
- Glancing Wing. Front left uppercut punch.
- The Back Breaker. Flank step through right punch.
Kenpo Karate Techniques
- Kenpo Karate Self Defense Techniques
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- Kenpo Karate Punches
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