Home Kenpo Karate Delayed Sword Self Defense Technique
Kenpo Karate

Delayed Sword Self Defense Technique

Delayed Sword Self Defense Technique (2)
Delayed Sword Self Defense Technique (2)

Delayed Sword Self Defense Technique

Delayed Sword is a self defense technique against a front left-hand lapel grab. This is the first self defense technique the student has to learn and it is part of the Yellow Belt rank. The moves in this technique are:

Delayed Sword Technique Step by Step

Your opponent is in front of you and will attack you with left hand lapel grab. When the attacker grabs he might prepare a punch so is crucial to act as soon as you feel the grab.

Use your left hand to pin the attacker’s hand, now use your right arm to deliver a right inward block. You can also turn this block into a strike to cancel the attack.

Deliver a front kick to the groin to disable and cancel his height, this will have him bring his hands to protect his groin.

The last move is an Outward Handsword strike to the neck and cover out keeping your hands up and be in a ready position.

Delayed Sword Recommendations

  • Keep your posture at all times.
  • Do not lean to your opponent when executing your strikes because you can lose your balance.
  • Try to deliver the front kick to the groin at the same time you deliver the Inward Block, this will maximize the effectiveness of the technique.
  • Make sure to step out and keep your hand in a ready position.

Kenpo Karate Techniques

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Black Belt, High School Teacher, Sports Enthusiast & Coffee Lover.

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