Home Kenpo Karate Kenpo Karate 1st Black Belt Techniques
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Kenpo Karate 1st Black Belt Techniques


Kenpo Karate 1st Black Belt Techniques

Different styles and schools of Kenpo Karate have varied requirements for first-degree black belt. Most of the Kenpo Karate schools require the student to have a minimum of 16 years for this degree. It also depends on the minimum time of permanence between degrees.

First-degree black belt has the same purple belt techniques but at this level, extensions are added, they enhance them.

  1. Twirling Wings. Rear two-hand stiff-arm shoulder grab.
  2. Snapping Twig. Front left-hand chest push.
  3. Leaping Crane. Front right step through punch.
  4. Swinging Pendulum. Front right roundhouse kick.
  5. Crushing Hammers. Rear bear hug. Arms pinned.
  6. Captured leaves. Right flank finger lock.
  7. Evading the Storm. Front right step through an overhead club.
  8. Charging Ram. Front tackle.
  9. Parting Wings. Front two hand push.
  10. Thundering Hammers. Front right step through punch.
  11. Squeezing the Peach. Rear bear hug, arms pinned.
  12. Circling Wing. Rear two hand choke, arms bent.
  13. Calming the Storm. Front right step through roundhouse club.
  14. Darting Mace. Front two hand wrist grab.
  15. Hooking Wings. Front two hand low push.
  16. Shield and Sword. Front left to step through punch.
  17. Gift in Return. Front handshake.
  18. Bow of Compulsion. Front wrist lock against opponent’s chest.
  19. Obstruction the Storm. Front right step through an overhead club.
  20. Twin Kimono. Front two hand lapel grab, push out.
  21. Sleeper. Front right front step through straight punch.
  22. Spiraling Twig. Rear bear hug, arms free.
  23. Cross of destruction. Rear two hand choke.
  24. Flight to Freedom. Rear hammerlock.

Kenpo Karate Techniques

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Black Belt, High School Teacher, Sports Enthusiast & Coffee Lover.

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