Karate General Terminology
Numbers (1-10)
- Ichi (一)
- Ni (二)
- San (三)
- Shi (四) or Yon (四)
- Go (五)
- Roku (六)
- Shichi (七) or Nana (七)
- Hachi (八)
- Kyū (九)
- Jū (十)
General Commands
- Rei (礼) – Bow
- Yoi (用意) – Ready
- Hajime (始め) – Begin
- Yame (止め) – Stop
- Mawatte (回って) – Turn
- Kamaete (構えて) – Assume a position (usually fighting stance)
- Kiotsuke (気を付け) – Attention
- Seiza (正座) – Kneel (formal sitting position)
- Mokuso (黙想) – Meditation (often performed at the beginning and end of class)
- Kiai (気合) – Shout (used to focus energy)
- Zanshin (残心) – Awareness (mental alertness)
- Mae (前) – Front
- Ushiro (後ろ) – Back
- Migi (右) – Right
- Hidari (左) – Left
- Chūdan (中段) – Middle level
- Jōdan (上段) – Upper level
- Gedan (下段) – Lower level
Karate Requirements
- Karate Stances
- Karate Punches
- Karate Kicks
- Karate Blocks
- Karate Strikes
- Karate Traditional Katas
- Karate Traditional Weapons
- Karate General Terminology
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